Soprano, Baritone, Flute, Violin, Viola, Cello
Approx. 9 minutes
For Tyrant I turned to the basic lessons found in Aesop’s fables, which are at heart lessons on being a good member of civil society…lessons that unfortunately I believe our nation needs to re-learn. Soon. The Wolf and the Lamb focuses on someone who consciously makes up lies to justify what he wants to do and feels alarmingly relevant today. Only lightly edited to turn the story into a dramatic scene, it is a very old story intended for the people of 2017.
If the instrumentation or voice type of this work isn’t quite what you are looking for, let’s discuss the creation of a new version of this work that will meet your needs. You may be surprised at how easy this is to do. Contact me at jason@jasonbarabba.com.