cry trojans cry
Soprano, fl, cl, perc, pf, vl, vcl
Soprano, cl, tbn, perc, pf, vcl, cb
Approx. 9 minutes
Fragmented texts from William Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, available in two different instrumentations. Shakespeare's words are used for my own purposes here.
CASSANDRA: Cry, Trojans, cry!
AGAMEMNON: the bold and coward, The wise and fool, the artist and unread, The hard and soft seem all affined and kin.
CRESSIDA: If I could temporize my affection, or brew it to a weak and colder palate, The like allayment could I give my grief
THERSITES: Ay, but that fool knows not himself.
TROILUS: I have, as when the sun doth light a storm, buried this sigh in wrinkle of a smile.
CASSANDRA: Cry, Trojans, cry!Texts are in the public domain
If the instrumentation or voice type of this work isn’t quite what you are looking for, let’s discuss the creation of a new version of this work that will meet your needs. You may be surprised at how easy this is to do. Contact me at